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Pro-Tips for Family Caregivers

Since the mid-1990s, the National Alliance for Caregiving has designated November as National Family Caregivers Month.

Residential Assisted Living Academy understands that caring for loved ones is a full-time responsibility.

Is it possible for sons and daughters to effectively care for their senior parents at home?

Of course, they can, about 43 million people do it every day, but are they reaping the most benefits available in the assisted living industry?

Caregiving requires patient advocacy, medication management, meal planning and assistance with activities of daily living. Without experience, training, support and the proper skillset, sons and daughters across America will not be able to meet the high demands of effectively caring for mom and dad. 

Caring for aging parents, ensuring their safety, sustaining a steady career, maintaining a marriage, and navigating personal health challenges is the lifestyle of caregivers. In addition, their daily duties often require raising children.

Keeping seniors safe at home is a top concern for caregivers.

Nine At-Home Safety Pro-Tips for Senior Care

  1. Bathroom Safety: Safe senior homes have to grab bars inside and outside of the shower and on either side of the toilet. Non-slip rubber mats are critical for slippery when wet bathroom floors. A foldable chair, flexible shower wand, and ultra-low step up are often necessary safety features. Most accidents for seniors occur in the bathroom. 
  2. Assist with Mobility: There are multiple methods of assisting seniors with mobility. For starters, make sure that movement is simple by placing a bench at the door. A kitchen counter stool provides independence for meal prepping. Also, proper household footwear aides with slip prevention.
  3. Consider Outdoor Areas: Many senior falls happen outside the home. Ensuring that your walkway, driveway, and sidewalk are free of unstable cracks. Rubber mats on wooden porches are great for anti-slip grips.
  4. Encourage Exercise: If possible, bicycling, climbing stairs, walking, and weight training are strongly encouraged. Some seniors are less mobile and encouraged to participate in exercises like chair yoga.
  5. Add Extra Lighting: In order to prevent unwanted night falls, add increased lighting in entryways, hallways, and stairwells. Since darkness increases the risk of accidents, motion sensor lighting is very beneficial in homes occupied by seniors.
  6. Emergency Calls: Despite modifications, you can never prevent the unexpected. Emergency assistance can mean the difference between life and death. There are neck and wrist call-alert devices that seniors can use in the absence of caregivers when needed. At a minimum, it is best to keep a phone within arms reach in areas where seniors spend most of their time.
  7. At-Home Safety Devices: There are many products designed to keep seniors safe. These items include comfortable impact active hip protector underwear for fall protection; home monitoring systems for seniors who spend time at home alone; and pill dispensers for medication management. There are many other devices to accommodate various safety concerns that family caregivers can provide. 
  8. Safeguard Homes from Hazards: Remove slipping and tripping hazards. For example, area rugs have a tendency to curl at the corners, causing hazards. Clutter, extension cords and steep steps are hazardous. Cleanliness enables a home to provide toy-free floors when small children and pets are present. 
  9. Special Needs: Some seniors suffer from conditions like dementia, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s. These conditions demand additional safety precautions that require at-home caregivers to seek professional support. 

Need-to-Know Facts About Being a Family Caregiver 

Caring for aging parents causes sons and daughters to make serious sacrifices. 

National Family Caregivers Month is a time to reflect on the compassion and dedication of family caregivers. 

These pro-tips from Residential Assisted Living Academy offers free support for family caregivers. 

The following key facts are components family caregivers should know: 

  • Taking Breaks is Important
  • Caregivers Have Limits
  • Create a Support System 
  • Care for Yourself First
  • Your Work is Valuable
  • Help is Available
  • Knowledge Makes Caregiving Easier
  • You Are Not Alone

RAL Academy Provides Opportunities for Family Caregivers  

The value of the unpaid care that these 65 million caregivers provide is estimated to be worth about $375 billion, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving. 

How has being a caregiver affected your life? 

Did you know that many family caregivers have turned their good deeds into a profitable business? 

The RAL Academy is the nation’s leading resource for assisted living. 

If you are currently providing at-home care for a senior family member, you can own and operate your own RAL business. 

RAL homes owners earn anywhere between $5000, $10,000 and $15,000 monthly per home. 

Some RAL homes make even more income depending on the location and size. 

Make plans to start your own business soon by contacting to learn some savvy strategies about starting an assisted living home. Work smarter, not harder. 

RAL Academy will teach you everything you need to know from A-Z about owning a RAL business. The academy will even help you secure loans for startup costs. Learn how to meet the high demand for senior housing. Did you know that there is a silver tsunami of seniors on the rise, with 10,000 baby boomers turning age 65 every day and 4000 turning 85?

This is the fastest-growing demographic in the country – now is the perfect time to do good and do well. 

Are you ready to make a lot of money doing what you’re already doing?

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