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Celebrating 10 Years of Doing Good & Doing Well!

Real Producers with Remington Ramsey


Isabelle Guarino

RAL 101: Why Residential Assisted Living is Such a Great Investment

There might not be a bunch of HGTV shows about it, but residential assisted living is a great model to specialize in. It’s a win-win asset class that provides value to people who need it, while giving investors a hands-off cash flowing asset.

Many people in real estate think this investing channel is too complex, but with the right approach, you can succeed. What do we need to get started? How do we provide value to tenants?

In this episode, I’m joined by the COO of RAL Academy, Isabelle Guarino. She shares the secrets to success in residential assisted living.

There’s things we’re looking for in RAL properties that a regular single family investor isn’t. -Isabelle Guarino

Listen to the Real Producers Podcast

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